2023, Rundown & Wrapup
I just popped over to revisit my first blog post of 2022
I see that last year and this year left me feeling like I didn’t get enough quiet time to do all of my closing of the old / beginning of the new ritual stuff.
But one difference is that when 2022 began I had a very unsettled, uncomfortable feeling, in general.
Unsettled is another word I use to describe feelings of high anxiety in my body and mind.
This year’s end felt rushed and crowded and chaotic and sometimes unpleasant, but not unsettled.
Time was at a premium due to unforeseen things like my mom getting the flu the week before Thanksgiving and me getting Covid the week after Thanksgiving. Covid stole 12 days from me in the already over-jammed time just before Christmas.
Looking back on 2022, it does seem that my phrase for the year was the perfect phrase- or string of words- for me to have chosen…
The 2022 RunDown…
-In early 2022 I started part-time jobs with Inner Peace Press and Polly Singer Hats and Teas as I continued focusing on my own art and writing.
-My working relationship with Heather Felty, owner of Inner Peace Press, led me to pitching a book idea which led to me becoming a published author!
It was a healing, shame-releasing opportunity to tell the story of my nearly life-long relationship with alcohol.
The book is called, My Last Hangover.
(If you’d like a copy, reach out to me!)
-After hosting a few virtual women’s retreat gatherings, I hosted my first in-person gathering with a small group of women connecting through deep conversation, meditation and personal growth rituals. I have plans to do more of these in 2023.
-In 2022 I decided to let go of some relationships that were not serving up nary a good vibe to me.
-I got a booth and started selling things at a vintage mall.
-I began collaborative plans to start that podcast that has tried to lift off a couple of times but hasn’t…YET. It will in 2023.
-In April, I was invited to participate in an established, annual Arts & Crafts Bazaar in Nashville and I sold 7 pieces!
-April 2nd, 2022 marked 4 years of no alcohol!
-After 13 years, I stepped out from behind a pseudonym on Facebook and became me, Mandy West!
-In May, my sweet girl, Hazel, left
-In June, an adorba-puppa named, Arthur Pennyrile Lee West, moved in with me.
I look forward to introducing Arthur soon.
Also in June…I finally made my way to Lake Tahoe!
I’ve daydreamed for years of kayaking on that crystal clear water…
It was every single thing I KNEW it would be.
-In August, I began writing blog posts for Lockeland Leather. They specialize in handcrafted leather work for hospitality, interior design & corporate gifting.
-In July, at the invitation of Lori-Lyn Hurley, I participated in my first gallery show in Lexington, KY.
It kind of knocked me out when I found out that all five of my pieces had sold.
I felt a sense of confirmation that this leap of faith I’d taken, to follow a more personally creative path was a right one.

-I sold lots of Tiny Folk Art tiles in 2022, including over 15 tiles that were commissioned pieces.
It may sound like a BRAGGADOCIOUS ALERT (that was for fans of Tig & Cheryl- True Story podcast) when I talk about being invited to participate in events and that I sold pieces - but that isn’t my intention.
I share because it is life-affirming to me.
It feels magical, in fact.
All of my life, I’ve been a creative person who has been afraid to create in the light.
And almost from the very moment I was brave enough to let it loose, things began to happen.
I share my wins here to encourage and remind myself, and ANYONE who is still holding themselves back, to come out from the shadows and just start doin your freakin thing!
-In October, I went to see Elton John, a gift from my sweet mom who is a perpetual gift-giver in my life, across my life, and of course the best gift she ever gave me is my actual life.
Elton put together a creative and moving show for his Farewell Yellowbrick Road tour - #hugefan
In November I went to Washington D.C. to watch my lifelong friend recieve a promotion to four-star general and assume his new role as Chief of the Space Force. With this new title he also became a member of the joint chiefs of staff. I mean… that’s kinda cool.
A photo from the promotion ceremony- my friend isn’t in this picture but #quiteabitofpomp&circumstancegoingonhere
There’s something I’m building, literally & figuratively…
In late 2021, when I left that previous career incarnation, I knew I wouldn’t be looking for another job in that industry.
I knew I wouldn’t be looking for anything that would require me to do work that didn’t align with the kind of life I wanted to be living.
I acknowledge that I no longer live in a pain-free body.
I acknowledge that there is most likely more of my life behind me than in front of me.
But I’m not on board with the, we’re so old, we’re all falling apart, live is over bullshit that people my age often label themselves.
I don’t appreciate being lumped in with someone else’s idea of how they see themselves at 53 (or any other age).
It may be true someday, but today I’m 100fucking% able-bodied, healthy in mind & spirit, with a life that’s still unfolding on a positive, adventurous trajectory.
I’ll let y’all know when I’m old.
Right now, I want to live an active, creative life.
I want to travel now.
I want to be light on my feet and ready to go on adventures at any time.
And I’m setting my life up to be able to work from any place, doing work I enjoy- with and for people I enjoy.
I want this right now, not when I’m 65.
With the idea of making the most of this precious time in my life, last August I began the project of turning my 700 sf detached garage into a house.
I can feel myself getting excited as the promise of drywall looms hopeful to happen this week!
Having income properties has always been a part of my “retirement” plan- I’m just starting earlier than I thought I would!
Making a rundown list is a great exercise.
It can highlight, in a way that sometimes goes unnoticed in real-time, how much got done and what didn’t get done.
2022 was a year full of grace, travel, laughter, forward motion, & most certainly so much gratitide.
I got help, support and encouragement from family and friends in so many meaningful ways.
In 2022 there was also a lot of listening to my intuition and reminding myself to be patient, courageous and trusting.
And with a big nod to the fact that I’m human, some days went better than others around all of this. (Look, there might have been a couple disasters…)
I let go of a lot in 2022- material clutter and some heavy, unnecessary emotional baggage.
In the continued spirit of full transparency & real talk, there was also grief, fear, anxiety & all the other things that life brings us with the good stuff.
I look forward to this year- there’s already so much I’m excited about!
I’m working on a post where I will share my Word for 2023.
I typically do a Phrase of the Year, but when this word popped in unexpectedly, it soundly resonated immediately.
Stay Tuned!
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